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Why instant MelloMagC? The body needs a lot of calcium. One third of the body protein, by weight is connective tissue, which is mainly collagen. Collagen is a jelly-like substance that holds the cells together, and had Vitamin C as...
R 266.00
Why instant MelloMagC? The body needs a lot of calcium. One third of the body protein, by weight is connective tissue, which is mainly collagen. Collagen is a jelly-like substances that holds the cells together, and has VITAMIN C its...
R 385.00
R 357.00
Good Health Supercal is a high potency supplement containing calcium citrate; a well-absorbed form of calcium, and calcium hydroxyapatite along with cofactors including magnesium, manganese, silica, boron, zinc, Vitamins K and D necessary for optimal bone health. Use for: Comprehensive bone...
R 0.00
# body ph # circulation # detox and cleansing # immune support # joint support
R 189.00
WaterLife Electrolyte Concentrate from the Oxygen Products range is an excellent nutrient-rich addition to your drinking water. Support your body from within with this electrolyte concentrate that’s packed with 84 essential minerals.This is truly “live” water as it’s enriched with...
R 274.00
Use for neutralizing excessive acidity Ingredients: Fulvic acid, Apple Cider vinegar, Calcium ascorbate, Calcium glycinate, Di-calcium phosphate, Horsetail Herb extract, Magnesium ascorbate, Magnesium gluconate, Magnesium Hyd. Citrate, Magnesium Hyd. Phosphate, Magnesium Peroxide, Potasium bicarbonate, Potasium citrate, Stevia, Tri-calcium citrate, Xylitol. ...