Natural Products Black Cumin Seed 75g
Black cumin/seed oil is made from the seeds of the Nigella sativa plant and is a rich source of essential fatty acids (EFAs). It is used as a nutritional supplement and has powerful anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. The antioxidants, beneficial acids and B-vitamins in black cumin oil support the immume system. Black seeds seems to balance the immune system - increasing immune function but not encouraging immune reactions against the body's healthy tissue. In particular, black cumin oil can be used to alleviate symptoms of:
- Athritis
- Allergies
- Ezema
- Acne
- Psoriasis
Other uses:
- Powerful immune booster and doesn’t have a negative effect on autoimmune disorders
- Helps body to produce bone marrow
- Works on digestive imbalances, liver problems and asthma
- Helps with colds and flu, nervous tension, tired muscles, back ache, hair loss and sinusitis
- Can also be used for colic (babies)
Did You Know? This oil has been called “a remedy for every illness except death! ”. Hippocrates used black cumin oil for digestive disorders and some of the oil was even found in Tutankhamen’s tomb.
Researchers believe the active ingredient in black cumin oil to be thymoquinone, a phytochemical that has a strong influence on key mediators of inflammation.
# immune support