Neogenesis Health Lamaria (Artemesia Annua) drops 50ml
Nature's most powerfull antimicrobial.
May assist with:
- Any infection (viral,bacterial,parasitic)
- Malaria
- Bilharzia
- Glandular fever (EBV)
- Bronchitis
- Borreliosis (Lymes disease)
- Candida ( anti fungal )
- Fever, Cold and Flu
- TB
Artemisia annua, also known as sweet wormwood, sweet annie, sweet sagewort, annual mugwort or annual wormwood.
Artemesia annua A3 strain(aerial)
- 1:2 mother tincture from fresh organically grown herb
- 30 drops (1 ml) = 500 mg dry herb
- 1:.2 potency botanical extract
Herbal tincture (contains 70% alcohol)
Extracted in Alkaline Solé Water
30 Drops 3 x daily, or 45 drops twice daily in a glass of water /juice, or as advised by your practitioner.
Acute conditions 30 drops every 2 hours for 3 - 5 days.
Commonly found in Asia and North America
# anti-viral / bacterial
# worms & parasites