Nordens Liposomal Vitamin C 200ml
It is more easily and efficiently absorbed than regular oral versions of this vitamin, without irritating the stomach lining. But, it does a lot more than simply combat colds and flu.
Why Use Liposomal Vitamin C Immune Booster?
It is suitable for pregnant and breast-feeding women, as well as adults and children of all ages. It contains no sugar, gluten or hexane, and is non-GMO.
Only 5ml of the product contains 1100mg of vitamin C and transports it straight into your bloodstream.
This super-dose of bio-available vitamin C helps to:
- Boost your immune system. This, in turn, keeps you feeling stronger and helps you to fight off diseases.
- Combat viral infections (including flu).
- Protect cells against free radical damage.
- Promote the production of collagen for healthier hair, skin, muscles and joints.
- Support healthy gums.
- Promote muscle repair.
- Transport vitamin C directly into the cells, and not out through the digestive system.
# adrenal support
# bestsellers
# circulation
# immune support