The CBD Pantry CBD Oil for Pets 30ml ( 300mg)
CBD is renowned for its painkilling properties. Studies show that CBD can help manage pain and inflammation in many different ways.
One of the best known uses for CBD is its ability to help control seizures, tremors, tics and spams. CBD is a natural anticonvulsant. CBD can help manage the symptoms of a variety of mental conditions. Much like humans, pets can suffer from anxiety and stress or even specific phobias and CBD has been shown to help in this regard. CBD is a successful antiemetic, controlling both nausea and vomiting while also stimulating appetite.
Pet owners often choose to use CBD not only as a medicine for specific ailments, but also as a regular supplement to promote the overall health and well being of their pet.
Pure MCT (Medium chain triglycerides) Oil, Grapeseed oil, CBD Isolate
Maximum daily dosage 2ml = 20mg
0-6kg = 5mg
7-12kg = 10mg
12kg+ = 20mg
Drop appropriate dosage over pet's treats or food. DO NOT place dropper in pet's mouth.
# cbd