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Neogenesis Health Lamaria (Artemesia Annua) drops 50ml

R 205.00

Nature's most powerfull antimicrobial.  May assist with: Any infection (viral,bacterial,parasitic) Malaria Bilharzia Glandular fever (EBV) Bronchitis Borreliosis (Lymes disease) Candida ( anti fungal ) Fever, Cold and Flu TB Artemisia annua, also known as sweet wormwood, sweet annie, sweet sagewort, annual mugwort or annual wormwood. Artemesia...

Mini Cleanse

R 382.00

These two products are excellent for people that want to do a mini cleanse. Take a laxative if you struggle with constipation when needed. To do this twice a year is so great for your body! Take 2 of each with...