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d'Legend Medi-range Healing Oral drops 50ml

R 137.00
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d'legend (previously Dia Kure) has extensively been tested and used in Hospitals, Hospice, The Cancer Association, The Leprosy Missoon, Diabetic Clinics and Skin Care Clinics since 1995, but is now available directly to the public.

Currently also used at Optima Wound Clinic and various NPO aged and frail care facilities throughout Bloemfontein, where our head office is based.

d'legend Healing Oral Drops may be used as a complementary remedy in fungal, bacterial and viral infections on wounds or skin conditions of dermatological nature, and in general on account of its stimulating effect in the defensive energy of rhw affected organism.

The present remedy acts on the arterial system, regulating the blood circulation and nervous system, induces cell migration to affected areas, reducing burning and stinging and has a general analgesic effect, reducing swelling and easing the red inflamed area.


In Acute cases - Take 10 to 15 drops every 30 minutes in a little water or directly on the tongue until symptoms improve.

Once improved - Take 10 to 15 drops 3 to 6 times a day.


Aqua, Preservative and for every 100ml further: 1ml Cal m/tinc, 1ml Lyco D9, 1ml Sulph D9, 1ml Phos Ac D9, 1ml Syz Jam D9, 1ml Can D11