Three6t5 Instant MeloMagC 200g
Why instant MelloMagC?
The body needs a lot of calcium. One third of the body protein, by weight is connective tissue, which is mainly collagen. Collagen is a jelly-like substances that holds the cells together, and has VITAMIN C its most important ingredient. The jelly is dependent on sufficient calcium to set. These two ingredients are mainly responsible for the firmness of tissue. Therefore calcium is vital for the healing process.
A shortage of calcium results in nervous tension and irritability and is a primary contributor to the widespread use of tranquilizers. Hence, sufficient calcium in the blood will alleviate many instances of pain.
- Calcium has large molecules
- Calcium needs to work together with other minerals mainly magnesium
- Calcium dissolves in acid, whereas magnesium is alkaline
- The right pH-balance is needed for calcium to be absorbed
Instant MelloMagC is exactly formulated for maximized absorption:
- Provides the right pH-balance
- Balanced with magnesium
- It fizzes for a reason - combining with magnesium, the calcium molecules change form and are more easily absorbed into the blood
Magnesium carbonate 470mg (providing magnesium 121mg), Calcium gluconate 3100mg (providing calcium 276mg), Ascorbic acid 313mg, Citric acid 967mg
Place 1 to 2 measuring spoons if powder into a cup. Add 1/4 to 1/2 cup cup of boiling water. Stir till dissolved and add cold water to cool it down.
# body ph