The-One Focus Essential Oil Blend Roll On 11ml
Having trouble to focus and concentrate? Need to get things done?
This easy to apply roll on blend is a mixture of Lemon and Peppermint essential oils.
The invigorating scent of Peppermint stimulates the mind and can wake you up when you are fading. Recent research has found that simply the aroma of peppermint essential oil could improve memory, reasoning, concept formation, attention span, and problem solving if inhaled orthonasally, through the nose.
Lemon is a uplifting, calming oil that boost brain power. It is generally safe for topical and aromatherapy use. Notably it's reported to be safe for pregnant woman and babies over 3 months old.
*Avoid direct sunlight when using any citrus essential oils.
*Avoid contact with eyes, inner eyes and sensitive areas.
Grapeseed oil, Lemon, Peppermint
# brain support # Focus # The-One # essentialoil # essential # oil